Thursday 27 October 2011


I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so selfish.

I've only thought of myself.

I thought I'm the only one who feel hurt but then I realize that you feel the same.

I know that distance has been a big deal for us.

Sorry for only thinking about my business.

Sorry for not thinking about how hard you live your live there.

Sorry for not understanding things.

Sorry for keep blaming you.

I'm sorry, dear.. :')

Please, stay with me...

I wanna be like this, still with you :"

I'm freakin afraid of losing you..

This long distance is killing me
Bruno Mars - Long Distance

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Yeah, like the title. I haven't been here like forever.
Gosh I miss writing on this blog. College's stuff really takes my time. Although it's all just fine till now :)

A lot of things happens. I made my self used to this. And even it's a bit difficult at the beginning, I can through it! Yeay!

Actually it is a good --a very good beginning for me. So it simply boost up my mood hihi :D

Oke intinya gue mulai menikmati kehidupan di Kota Kembang ini. So far so good, so sis so nice. Banyak hal yang gue pelajari sejak hidup sendiri di Bandung. Banyak banget. Gue jadi ngerasa lebih hidup. Like momma said "welcome to the real life". Yeah pertamanya emang terdengar menakutkan, tapi sekarang, setelah gue ngejalanin ya biasa aja.

Oh iya, ada beberapa hal yang baru gue ketahui tentang Bandung. Dan ini.. terdengar aneh. Ya setidaknya buat gue.

1. Ojeg itu cuma beroperasi hari Senin-Jumat.
Keren amat yak, ojeg aja kayak pegawai negeri , tiap Sabtu sama Minggu libur. Kaget banget gue pas denger ini. Abisan kalo di daerah sekitar rumah gue sih, ojeg mah kapan aja ada. Yeah that's the truth.

2. Angkot itu warnanya ijo semua.
Well nggak semuanya sih. But most of them. Yeah, kebanyakan angkot alias angkutan kota di Bandung itu warnanya ijo. Inilah yang gue takutin kalo jalan di Bandung. Bukan masalah kriminalitasnya, tapi nyasaritasnya. Ya, nyasar yang disebabkan oleh salah naik angkot -__-

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Gue sempet sakit disini. Biasalah, penyakit perut gue kumat. Luckily ada Icha disini. Yang setia ngerawat gue sampe gue sembuh. Yang sabar banget mengambil risiko mencium gas beracun gue. Ckckck, she should have given an award for it.

Tapi ada hal yang muter-muter di kepala gue. Sehabis sakit, badan gue ini jadi kurus kerempeng. Sampai akhirnya...... kemarin gue pergi ke apotik buat beli madu. Disana gue ngeliat timbangan berat badan.  Nekat, gue langsung nyobain. DAN GUE GA BISA TERIMA KENYATAAN BAHWA BERAT BADAN GUE SEKARANG ADALAH 50 KILO.


How come?!
Berat badan gue bisa naik 2 kilo setelah sakit? Really makes me wonder.
Kadang gue mikir, apa karena hidup gue di Bandung makmur ya? Ah tapi masa sih? kayaknya biasa aja deh.. Eh tapi.. Ya sudahlah v_v

Well I'm not going to write a long story since I have billion things to do. Maybe next time :)

Sometimes life seems like a criminal
FM Static - Dear God


Tuesday 4 October 2011


I was coming back to Jakarta Tangerang, Ciledug to be exact.
..........and I saw things changes.

My sister grows fat.
My brother turns handsome.
My garden full of shrubs.

But I never ever ever regret to came home that day.
I got soooo much fun! Sooooo much happiness.
Massive thanks to Allah, my family, my bestfriends, and my boyfriend :)

We were celebrating Shaby's and my birthday. Della bought the cake, and my mother cooked spaghetti for us. YUMMY :9

But the cake was... ugh, how do I say it..
It's like the cake just for Shaby, not for us. Why? Just look at the picture:

But it's okay since the cake is free :p LOL
Anyway, my brother burnt one of the candle, so I blew 16 candles on my 17th birthday. OMG I'm not gonna get my ID card :p

I was sooooo glad!
My boyfriend brought me this lovely Totoro :3


And (of course) we were having some photo session :p
Here they are:

That's all for now, I'm heading back to assignment *sigh*

"Arigatou kimi to deaete"
- Monkey Majik / Tada, Arigatou
